Wednesday, September 11, 2013

My "Big, Hairy, Audacious" Vision & Goals

Today, I love my failures. Tomorrow, I may succumb to them. Either way, how I look at them is a choice. And the choice is simple: I can allow my failures to debilitate me or I can use my failures to propel me towards something magical and impossible.

As a former lululemon Educator, I came to know a culture infused with goal setting. A culture that encouraged us to create “big, hairy, audacious goals” that would direct us toward our ultimate life vision.

I, for one, find goal setting scary. It means intentionally expressing what you want and how you intend on making it happen. I found that by setting my goals, it made them more real. It not only made them more workable and tangible, but it presented me with the opportunity to share my goals within my world.

Sharing goals is a vital part of the process. The moment you share your goals with others, whether you display, post or speak them, you gain an instant support network of people willing to hold you accountable. Sharing also sparks conversations around your goals. You never know what can spring from these conversations. Who knows? You may even gain insight on how to get one step closer to achieving them. The magic is that the possibility now exists.

Practice what you preach, right? I am happily (and maybe a little petrifyingly) sharing my vision and goals. Read all about them below.

Haven't set your vision and goals yet? Here are the basics (worksheets included): Vision & Goals: Why we LOVE them and how to get started!!

You can also ENJOY watching this video of lululemon founder, Chip Wilson, explaining the importance of goal setting in his life in order to achieve his vision.

Feel free to share your thoughts with me. I welcome your conversation. I also encourage you to set and share your goals too. You can even share them here with me!!

1 comment:

  1. You have some amazing goals, I have not set up long-term goals. Once I do though I will definitely share, my biggest goal atm is having a baby with my wonderful pain in the butt fiance.
