Friday, March 14, 2014

Little Seahorse's Birth Story- An Accidental Home Birth

Before I delve into Asher's adventurous (yet accidental) home birth story, I’d like to preface it. And yes, you read that right. We had an unplanned home birth. The works: 9-1-1 operator, ambulance, EMTs, and to top it off my mother delivered!!

Rewind to my first pregnancy and delivery. Despite owning the proper anatomy, I ventured into uncharted territory. I did not know much. Nor did I set out to learn more. My goal was simple: grow and birth my baby boy as safely as humanly possible. All I had to do was reach the end and push, right? Well, no. There is so much to learn about our bodies and our babies along this amazing journey. I didn't realize it the first time around.

Fast-forward to my second pregnancy. Hello, research! I discovered OPTIONS! I had a birth plan. I had a doula. I even had a photographer. I had knowledge coming out of my ears. Needless to say, my Little Seahorse had a plan of his own.
My Mommy, Liam, Elf on the Shelf and Asher & Me at Tutti Bambini's Holiday Extravaganza
Here’s how our birth was supposed to go. I envisioned my contractions starting and calling my doula to tell her, “It’s time.” I would mostly labor at my house or at the beach with my support team. Anywhere, but in the hospital. I wanted to avoid using medications. Once my contractions were 5 minutes apart, we would head to Mt. Sinai. Once admitted, we would wait until pushing time. I would push and push. I would finally meet my second baby boy. We would bond skin-to-skin. The details of my birth plan would be honored. We would breastfeed. We would stay in the hospital until released to go home. The end.

Is it what happened? Nope. Don’t get me wrong, the adventure my Little Seahorse planned was BETTER. A little scary, but miraculous all the same. What actually happened was an entirely different scenario...

I was due on January 3, 2014. Well, Friday came and went with no baby in tow. One thing you all should know: once you’re “past due,” words like induction get hurled in your direction. It makes you nervous. Just know you have options. In the end, it’s all YOUR choice.

In hopes that my Little Seahorse would soon arrive, I choose to schedule an induction. I did this with my first pregnancy. I never intended on fulfilling either time. I just hoped my babies would get the message. My oldest did. Loud and clear. He arrived on his own the day before his due date. Naturally, I hoped his little brother would do the same. He did not.
Birth Announcement (Original and Updated) Created by: My Little Love Note
What did I do? I continued to enjoy my pregnancy. I marveled at Little Seahorse’s strong movements. These were our last moments as a shared entity. I treasured the extra time I got to spend with Liam alone. He would no longer be my only child. I did a belly cast at the 11th hour. Simply because I could. I scheduled an impromptu maternity shoot. My very first one. I wanted the experience. I did all this in between extra doctor appointments to ensure baby’s safety.
Maternity Shoot- 41 weeks and 2 days
I scheduled another induction for January 15, 2014 at 8:00 am. This would be it. 41 weeks and 5 days. We were not willing to reach 42 weeks. It was too scary (for us). I called Joseph, and told him our second son would be born on Wednesday. I officially served Little Seahorse with an eviction notice. The clock started ticking. Natural or induced, my baby would finally be here. Since Joseph and his dad live 4 hours away, they planned the start of their trip at 2:00 am. Plenty of time to make it, right?

The night before the BIG day, I stared down a bottle of castor oil. I preferred to naturally induce rather than medically, but I couldn't bring myself to swallow it. Not a single drop, so I walked a little extra that evening. When I got home later that night, I decided to pack my hospital bag. Don't say it. I know. I’m not sure why I stalled until the last minute. I guess, I wasn't overwhelmingly concerned. I knew exactly what I would pack. (I’ll share my hospital bag check-list later.)
Vera Bradley Grand Traveler in Tea Garden

The clock struck 1:00 am, and I felt some cramping action. Were these the contractions I had been waiting for? Or were they Braxton-Hicks? I called my doula, Cassie, and asked, “I know this may sound weird coming from an almost second-time mom, but how do I know whether I’m having contractions?” As we talked, I intermittently had to stop mid-conversation in order to take deep breaths. I couldn't focus on anything else. It wasn't painful, but it stopped me in my tracks. Cassie suggested I time the intervals between each contraction to see if a pattern emerged. I hung up, and I timed five sets. I paced through each contraction chanting my new mantra, “I can do this.” Sure enough, there was a pattern.

It’s now 1:30 am. I updated my mother. “My contractions are three minutes apart. I’m in active labor. We need to head to the hospital soon.” She started getting ready. I called Joseph and his dad to let them know, “Something is happening on its own.” They were on their way. Meanwhile, Monkey Bear slept soundly.

Things started to change rapidly. It must have been around 2:00 am now. I continued to walk through each contraction; breathing and chanting my mantra. I also sat down on occasion. The bathroom became my best friend. Things only got more intense and painful. My "I can do this" mantra transformed into “I can’t do this. How can I do 14 hours of this?” Suddenly, I got sick. I literally yakked everything I had eaten the night before. What was happening?

As I continued to get sick, I managed to sputter, “Mom, I don’t want Liam to see any of this.” Thankfully, he showed no signs of stirring from his slumber. I didn't know it then, but I was in transition- the last part of active labor. I texted Cassie to see if it was normal to vomit. She simply replied, “Yes, that’s a good sign. You need to get to the hospital.”

I certainly intended on getting to the hospital. I didn't realize I had run out of time. After the bout of nausea passed, I could no longer pace through my contractions. Instead, I buried my face into the towels hanging on my bathroom door. I inhaled the sweet vanilla scent of my shampoo, and it made me feel better. I also kept delaying my mother because I needed her to rub my lower back through each contraction. The pain felt unbearable. The time between each contraction lessened. She would take a step, and I would shout for her again. She pointed out that we needed to get Liam ready so we could finally head out.
These towels hanging on my bathroom door = my saving grace during contractions.
As I buried my face into my towels again, the contractions started to feel distinctly different. My entire body, from my fingers to my toes, started to push without my consent. I had no choice. My body just pushed. At this point, I clutched the bathroom door. I’m pretty sure I could have taken it off its hinges. I made my way to the bed. There I substituted the bathroom door for my pregnancy pillow. I grasped it tightly through each contraction and onto the next while I waited for my mother and Liam. My body continued to bear down and push. I waited until I could get up again and shouted to my mother, “Call 9-1-1!!” She asked, “Are you serious?!” I simply replied, “Yes. Something’s not right. I want to push.”

She hurried to help me to the bed, and drops of water trickled down. My mom asked, “Is that your water?” I had no idea. I finally laid down as another contraction hit. It must have been 2:45 am at this point. She called 9-1-1, and proceeded to explain to the operator that we needed an ambulance at the house stat. More pushing without my volition. Suddenly, a gush of water erupted. My water broke. At this point, all I remember is screaming bloody murder. My mother tried to get me to lay on my back after the operator suggested it, but I refused. It hurt too much. I continued to lay on my right side in fetal position.

The 9-1-1 operator asked my mom to check if she could see the baby, but when I tried to move I felt blinding pain. Needless to say, I refused to cooperate. Instead, I continued to scream as my contractions cycled in and out while my body naturally pushed. I’m not exactly sure what I screamed, but I know it sounded primal. The pushing continued, and then my mom shouted, “I can see the baby!!” I pushed with all I had. I later found out that I had pushed my Little Seahorse out to his shoulders. My mom placed her hand on my belly as I pushed a second time. I could hear my mom exclaim gleefully to the operator, “He’s here!!” It was 3:03 am. Color me spent. My mother had successfully delivered her grandson in our nursery.
Fresh 48- My Mommy and Asher bonding in our hospital suite.
The first time I laid eyes on my Little Seahorse he looked gray. I worried. I waited for what seemed like an eternity until he finally cried. I relaxed. No need for a shoe string to tie off the umbilical cord since I delayed clamping his cord. A couple minutes passed and the EMTs arrived. They took over. Whoosh, a whirlwind of activity surrounded us.

Before I left the nursery, I delivered my placenta. I struggled to communicate my wishes because I felt so weak. Shakes kept racking my body. I managed to let them know that I did not want my placenta treated since I planned on encapsulating it.

One of the EMTs helped me out to the living room and onto the gurney. Once secured, my baby boy was handed to me. The ambulance took me to the nearest hospital, which was not my own. Sadly, I did not get to see my own doctor. On the bright side, this hospital had a Birthing Place, which meant I got my own private suite and it was closer to home. Score 1 for spontaneous birthing at my house.
Fresh 48- Welcome to Room 847: Please Enjoy the View

To my surprise, my doula met me at the hospital. My mom called her to tell her what happened. She was my first visitor in the labor and delivery wing, and she acted as my voice. I am forever grateful to her despite my missing out on the full doula experience. Plus, she massaged my scalp with Lavender Essential Oil to further relax me. AH-MAZING!!

The baby nurses checked my Little Seahorse and the Mommy nurses checked me. We were both unscathed. My baby boy weighed 8 lbs and measured 21 inches long. Surprisingly, I made it out with just a scratch. I called Joseph to tell him the news. His reaction was priceless, "You had the baby where?!" He couldn't believe it. Poor guy had to fight feelings of disappointment for missing the experience.
Fresh 48- Family Bonding
My mom made it to the hospital shortly after my doula with a wide-awake Liam. By the time I was escorted to my private suite, Joseph and his dad had made it to the hospital. From that point forward, I had everything I ever needed or wanted. I got to endlessly bond skin-to-skin with my son. My baby boy never left the room with the exception of one hour. It was my least favorite hour. All of baby boy's test were done bedside. I breastfed. I did struggle a bit due to my son’s tongue tie, but I had the help of lactation consultants. My Monkey Bear bonded with his little brother. He also enjoyed quality time with his Daddy and GrandDad. My mom relived the whole experience every time she held her grandson, and everyone (hospital staff included) continually praised her bravery. Our family reveled in peace, joy and love.
Fresh 48- The faces of Asher plus 3 Generations
Joseph and I decided on a name: Asher. We celebrated. Our son finally made his debut, and it was everything wrapped in one- Extraordinary. Terrifying. Liberating. Beautiful. Memorable. And all mine.
Fresh 48- A Rare Moment as Family
The end. Well, this is really only the beginning...

How did you envision your birth? Did it go according to plan? Was it what you expected? Please feel free to share your birth story and experiences with me in the comments below.

Happy Reading!!


  1. Sounds like you had a surprising time. Glad you are doing good. Welcome Asher!! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Surprising is putting it mildly... LOL!! Many Thanks for reading and the well wishes!! :)

  2. OMG have been dying to read this story! absolutely amazing!! Congrats to a beautiful and healthy baby boy and that wonderful family! Kudos to mommy and abuela too!!

    1. Awww, you're too sweet!! Many Thanks for your patience, for reading my story and for the well wishes!! I hope to bring you more interesting reads and other opportunities in the days to come!! :)

  3. That's so sweet, love the story =) You have a gorgeous baby.
