Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Meet Dr. Jane Scott, Inventor of Tortle in Maven Spotlight

Have you ever heard of flat head syndrome (Plagiocephaly)? Ready for a quick crash course? Plagiocephaly is a condition where a flat spot develops when infants spend an extended amount of time laying on the back of their heads. In 1994, when the American Academy of Pediatrics began the "Back to Sleep" campaign (now known as "Safe to Sleep") to reduce the risk of SIDS an unexpected consequence was the occurrence of flat head syndrome rose. Nearly 1 in 5 babies will develop flat head syndrome by their 5 month birthday?!


Who’s at risk? ALL babies. Between traveling or spending time in car seats, strollers, bouncers, and swings, infants spend approximately 16 hours laying on their backs. Not to mention, the time spent sleeping at night. The good news? It is 100% preventable.


Today, I have the privilege of introducing Dr. Jane Scott, the woman behind Tortle, whose “mission is to end flat head syndrome across the world.” Take it away Doctor!! :)

Dr. Jane Scott, Inventor of Tortle 
Congratulations on the success of Tortle, Dr. Jane Scott!!  What did you envision when you first launched your company?
When I launched Tortle, [I hoped] that my product would become a household name. The reason I wanted this to happen was because Flat Head Syndrome has become so common, and yet it is almost completely preventable. If the Tortle was worn by lots of babies, this would mean that I was helping many babies to have beautiful round heads.

What's the meaning behind the name Tortle?
The name has a bit of a fun story behind it. Torticollis is the medical term for the tightening of neck muscles on one side of the baby's neck that is frequently associated with flat spots. Our logo is a cute little green sea turtle because the carapace (shell) of the Turtle helps shape the body of the baby turtle, so the Tortle helps shape the head of the [human] baby!!

Can you share the essential benefits of Tortle with MLLN readers?
The Tortle is a light weight knit beanie with a support roll that is… simple, safe and easy to use. It can re-position the baby's head to maintain a good shape, and can be used wherever the parent needs it (crib, car seat, stroller or bouncer).
Photo courtesy of Tortle
What is a typical day in the life of Dr. Jane Scott?
Every day needs to be a good day! I happen to love my work so I work with Tortle each day, and then I work at a pediatric urgent care at nights and weekends when I am needed. The rest of my time, I spend with my large family either at home or going out with them, or even better traveling with them!

What is the favorite part of your day?
My absolute most favorite part of my day is when I am spending time with infants and [their] families helping them.

How do you keep your life/work balance?
I try to enjoy all aspects of my life. Work is not a chore for me, 
I actually enjoy it. Growing up in Australia, I am fortunate in having learned how to balance work and play. It truly is an art form, but well worthwhile to perfect.

What is on the horizon for Tortle?
Photo courtesy of Tortle
We at Tortle are working to have not only new patterns and lightweight styles to offer, and are also working on medical designs for the NICU infants to help prevent some of their unique problems.

What is one thing about you most people might not know?
I am a travel bug. I absolutely love to go to new places, try new foods and meet new people and learn as much as I can about their customs.

What is the best advice you have received?
Enjoy your infant they grow up so quickly!!

What is the best advice you wish to impart on MLLN readers?
There are only really a few things that you have to know to rear you infant. Your maternal instincts will go a long way, but in your efforts to keep your precious baby safe, please do not forget to keep them active. They need to move frequently, so when you place them safely in their carriers, please make sure to get them out and move them around in different positions and let them exercise whenever you get the opportunity. This not only helps to prevent flat head syndrome, but it will also go a long way to help their development.

Watch this video to LEARN MORE about Dr. Jane Scott, Tortle and Flat Head Syndrome.

Not convinced? What's one thing you wished you'd known? Hear it from other moms.

"Many Thanks" to Dr. Jane Scott for taking the time to connect with me and MLLN readers. 
So what's your take on it all? Did you know about flat head syndrome? Is this your first time discovering Tortle? Please feel free to share thoughts and experiences with me in the comments below.
Happy Learning!!


  1. I absolutely love the tortle and cannot wait until we have out little. Dr Jane seems like a wonderful person. Thanks for sharing!!

  2. I have a few friends who's baby's had this issue...this would have been a great product for them to have! Great interview!

  3. I did not know that this was something that happens to children! I love the way they came up with the name of the product and the logo!

  4. I just learned about the Tortle in your giveaway, and reading about Dr. Jane and how she came to create this product was truly enlightening. I especially love how she came up with the name and logo. Great Interview!
